Friday, December 31, 2010

It's a New Year!!

Tomorrow marks the start of a year; a new decade.

The first decade of the 21st century brought marriage, two children, and numerous trials and triumphs, and countless failures and victories. Through each mistake and each success, growth has occurred; beneficial lessons have been learned.

The final year of this decade has been filled with really BIG changes for my family. It has been a year of moving forward and stepping out in faith like never before. God has a way of stretching your faith as far as it can go, and then when you don't thing you can stretch any more, He shows you His faithfulness and you find yourself expanding, growing into His fullness.

As I think upon the new year, and the new decade, I begin to get butterflies. I know that big things are in store, promises are going to be fulfilled. I want with all my heart to fulfill His perfect will and do the work He has for me to do on this earth.

However, as much as I want to do His work and share His love and salvation with others, there is something I want a thousand times more. A few months back, during a prophetic prayer, my Abba Father said to me, it's your turn, ask whatever you want, it's yours.

One word came to mind. Abide. I want to Abide in Him and He in me. I want to know Him. I want to know and fully understand the Father's love. I want to know the Son and understand the fullness of His sacrifice and suffering.

And so, this is my prayer for me and my family: Father, may I Abide in You, and You in me. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can I, unless I abide in You.

Happy New Year everyone! May His blessings and peace abound in your life this year.

The best is yet to come....

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